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Magnetic therapy (low-frequency magnetic field) involves slowly changing magnetic field with a frequency of 0-50 Hz and a magnetic induction of about 0.5-10 mT. The use of pulsed magnetic field leads to the normalization of the resting electrical potential of the cell membrane and enhance growth of ions traveling through it. It also increases the utilization of oxygen by the cell and increase the energy conversion. A characteristic feature of the magnetic field penetration by all the structures of the system. Magnetotherapy is a procedure by which. literature and research, has absolutely proven efficacy and indications for treatment of bone fractures – accelerates bone union. Has a beneficial effect Biostimulative – accelerates tissue regeneration.
Magnetic therapy can be used in the acute stage of the disease in children. An additional advantage of this therapy is capable of being performed by a plaster, bandage, clothing and implanted with metal implants or bone anastomosis, if they are not electronic implants.
Currently in the office doing treatments magnetotherapy using applicators disk, which affect only the area received therapy without affecting the tissues located outside of the field.
Depending on the period of the disease is the following parameters:
• In the acute – field intensity to 3 mT, frequency of 5 Hz,
• In subacute – field intensity up to 5 mt, frequency to 20 Hz,
• In chronic – field intensity to 10 mT, frequency of 50 Hz.
• Musculoskeletal diseases: traumatic (fractures, pseudoarthrosis, dislocation of joints, tearing tendons, ligaments, joint capsule, hematoma), degenerative and inflammatory,
• Osteoporosis
• Diseases of the circulatory system (peripheral circulatory disorders as a result of atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease).
• Neurological disorders (migraine and vasomotor headaches, conditions after cerebral strokes, multiple sclerosis),
• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer disease, functional disorders of the digestive system),
• Diseases of the respiratory tract (sinusitis, bronchitis).
• Gynecological diseases (inflammation of the ovaries).
• Dermatological diseases (ulcers and trophic changes of leg, it is difficult to heal wounds).
Contraindications to magnetotherapy:
• Cancer (during treatment and a history),
• Implanted pacemakers and other implants and electrical appliances,
• Pregnancy,
• Haemorrhagic diathesis, bleeding, menstruation,
• Blood clots, thrombophlebitis,
• Active tuberculosis,
• Athlete,
• Acute fungal, bacterial and viral infections,
• Severe heart disease and cardiovascular disease,
• The period of irradiation ionizing radiation and X-rays,
• Juvenile diabetes,
• Hyperthyroidism,
• Pathological changes in the EEG,
• The episodes of epilepsy,
• Early post-surgery neurological disorders.
Duration 10-20 minutes.
Description based on sources:
1. A. Bauer, M. Wisp, Methodological Guide After surgery Selected physical, ed. Markmed Rehabilitation S.C., pp. 209-515.
2. A.Straburzyńska-Lupa, G. Straburzyński, Physiotherapy, ed. 3, PZWL, Warsaw 2007, pp. 439-569.