Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage, also called deep massage or massage connective tissue, is a contemporary form of massage for relaxation of tension within the muscle and fascia. The aim of this form of working with soft tissues, is the treatment of disorders of the myofascial, which consists of skilful loosening tissues, improving their mobility and release of tension in the most efficient and most ergonomic way. The wealth of techniques based on ergonomic work, allows for efficient operation. For each technique has to go its specific purpose.

Deep tissue massage CorkInherent in deep tissue massage, a functional assessment of the patient, assessment of myofascial and the use of appropriate treatment. The first element is the observation of tissue, then the palpation and then apply art, wherein the amount of execution time, determines the force and direction of feedback flowing from the patient. Deep tissue massage, is contrary to the first combination very gentle and safe for the patient. The patient undergoes surgery deep tissue massage is not just a passive recipient, but is actively involved in therapy by performing the movements and activities, thereby increasing relaxation of tissues.

Deep tissue massage 3The aim of deep tissue massage is:
• effective analgesic
• Increase range of motion, increase flexibility tissue
• elimination of trigger points of pain
• improvement in function and trophic muscle
• improving blood circulation, accelerated tissue regeneration
• improve the mobility of the muscles and fascia
• improving the functional status of the patient

Deep tissue massage is “Understanding the layers of the body and the possibility of working with the tissue in these layers aimed at relaxation, elongation and release of persistent patterns of abnormal tension.” (Art. Riggs)



Deep tissue massage 2 Deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage is derived from “Rolfing” structural bodywork and relaxation myofascial. This massage is one of the components of Manual Therapy Soft Tissue.

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Description based on sources: of 09.24.2015
Art. Riggs, “deep tissue massage”, ed. 1, 2008 translation Z.L. Borkowski, p. 41